


Men's Skincare Treatments

Men do it too

Today the cosmetology services are quite popular among males, despite the prevailing stereotype that they are meant only for women. A real man does not look back at the opinions of strangers. If he wants to be healthy, look successful, energetic, and confident, he does not hesitate to use the services of cosmetologists.

Men's skin differs from women's. So, the male grooming methods of aesthetic cosmetology and men's skincare regimen also have their own special principles.

The features of men's skin:

  • Thickness. Men's skin is about 20-25% thicker than women's, but it gets thinner with age;
  • Collagen density in the epidermis is higher in men than in women, so the male’s aging signs are less visible usually;
  • Skin structure. In men’s skin the ducts of the sebaceous glands are bigger. They provide more secretions, so male's skin is oilier than female’s. For the same reason, men's skin is more prone to inflammation.

Service descriptions

Facial treatments for men can help to get rid of post-acne, scars, make the facial skin well-groomed and healthy-looking, as well as cope with hyperpigmentation, correct signs of aging and, if desired, the shape of the face, or remove unwanted hair.

“Seline” offers a wide range of services for the stronger sex. Below are listed some popular ones as an example.

1. Deep male facial cleansing. The most demanded device-based technique is HydraFacial. Men can't afford to waste much time on skincare procedures, so HydraFacial is a real godsend for them. In one session, deep cleansing takes place by means of vacuum impurities extraction from the skin pores, abrasive removal of keratinized particles, facial massage, moisturizing, and nutrient saturation.

2. Chemical peels. The impact is based on the properties of active agents: light fruit acids as well as those of high concentration. For maximum effect, different acids are mixed. The skin gets maximum renewal with their help.

3. Laser rejuvenation. The specialists of the “Seline” center offer laser facial rejuvenation for men using various techniques, on the Fotona device, for instance. Light energy warms the epidermis up to deep layers, stimulating tissue regeneration as well as production of its own collagen and elastin. Damaged cells are removed, the skin becomes healthy and looks younger. Thus, you can get rid of wrinkles, blackheads, acne, scars and hyperpigmentation.

4. Epilation of the beard and mustache area. A beard and mustache require special care, as they can be a source of various problems such as dry skin, itching, inflammation, or ingrown hair. Furthermore, a clear beard line is very beautiful! The “Seline” clinic offers hair removal using Alexandrite and Diode laser devices. They are configured individually for each patient. The laser beam penetrates the hair follicles, destroying them. In a few sessions during one course, you can get rid of unwanted hair almost completely.

5. Contouring plastic. One of the most popular procedures is “Corners of youth". By inserting fillers into the jaw corners, the face acquires clearer and more masculine features, bringing back visual youth and brutality.

6. Massages. They help to slow down the aging process and serve as preventive measures to restore skin elasticity, tone, and stimulate the regeneration of dermal cells. They give moments of relaxation and pleasure as well.

7. Masculine skincare procedures. Men's skincare treatment is suitable for both home use and aesthetic medicine salons. It nourishes, moisturizes the skin, and protects it from external impact.

8. Plastic surgery. In our medical center, plastic operations are carried out daily. Regarding facial surgery, men often prefer blepharoplasty, especially if there are medical indications for this. SMAS facelift is also popular. It opens the opportunity to get a powerful rejuvenation effect.

Advantages of the procedures

Male cosmetology procedures have a number of special advantages, first of all, they give fast results through non-invasive impacts. Any man can easily get:

  • Deeply cleansed skin without blackheads and inflammation;
  • Normalization of the sebaceous glands functioning;
  • Return of radiance and healthy skin color;
  • Elimination of wrinkles and hyperpigmentation;
  • Ability to eliminate facial defects and restore volume where it is needed;
  • Elimination of hair loss, stimulation of their growth;
  • Getting rid of inflammation, acne, blackheads;
  • Correction of post-acne and scars.

Whom the procedures are suitable for?

Device-based facial treatments are suitable for those men who take care of their appearance and health. The medications and methods are selected individually for each patient and are suitable for any type of skin, even for hypersensitive ones. If you are in doubt whether this or that therapy is suitable for you, consult the doctors of the “Seline” center, they will answer all your questions in detail.


Since the impact of the devices and cosmetic products is completely safe, the procedures bear no risk. However, you should keep in mind possible contraindications and tell your doctor about the medications you are taking, chronic diseases and possible allergies.

Rehabilitation period

Each technique has different specifics of the recovery period. The doctor will tell you more about what can and cannot be done after each of them. However, there are some common points:

  • In the first two weeks it is not recommended to sunbathe on the beach and to be in the open sun at all;
  • Exclude saunas and swimming pools for 7-14 days;
  • Use sunscreens with SPF50+.


The result of cosmetic procedures for men is a healthy appearance, renewed skin without wrinkles, scars and inflammation, a well-groomed mustache and beard with clear lines, in short - a complete aesthetic transformation.

“Seline” for men

If you are living in stress, unfavorable ecology, lack of time for home care, and need professional treatment - trust our specialists. They will help to correct any problems you have. The doctors of the “Seline” aesthetic medicine center have extensive successful experience in the field of aesthetic cosmetology. Complete security and high-quality services, as well as absolute confidentiality and individual approach make your visit to the “Seline” clinic most comfortable. We also have the necessary certificates and licenses to carry out all the suggested procedures.

For your convenience, our medical center is located in an area with excellent transport accessibility – Umm Suqeim. You can reach us easily and quickly without wasting precious time on the road.

Discounts and promotions

Current promotions and special offers are available on our website and social networks. Stay tuned for the updates so as not to miss the best deals!

Location in Dubai

“Seline” is located in a prestigious area of Dubai – Jumeirah Road, Umm Suqeim First. You can easily and quickly get to us from anywhere in the city.



Price, AED


Facial Cleansing / Deep cleanse


ZO Premium Venue Glow protocol for Face and Neck


Brightening Facial Mask and Heleo4 LED


Brightening Facial Mask


Cosmelan Peel for Melasma concerns


Cosmelan Peel for Melasma concerns and Home Care Pack


Chemical Peel Yellow mask


Chemical Peel with Premium Cosmecutical


Chemical Brightening Peel with Sesderma SOLUTION


Chemical Brightening Peel with Sesderma Solution and Exosome Regeneration Protocol



Happy to welcome you at Seline

Dear customer, We will be glad to offer you our services. To start cooperation, please write to us on WhatsApp and leave a request. We will contact you as soon as possible.

Questions And Answers

What types of men's facial treatments are available nowadays and how do they solve common skin problems in men?

How do men's facial treatments solve specific skin problems such as acne, aging, and hypersensitivity?

Are there any differences in the ingredients or formulas used in female and masculine facial care?

Can facial treatments help men with different skin types such as oily, dry, or sensitive?

Can men's facial therapy help with problems such as ingrown hair, razor burns or uneven skin tone?