Scalp Mesotherapy

Your way to luxuriant hair
Each of us understands a major role healthy and well-cared-for hair plays in our image. It may beautify your appearance, being a real masterpiece. Our hair reflects your health, whether adding self-confidence and pride or causing low moods, hangups and even a sense of inferiority.
Scalp Mesotherapy holds a special place in aesthetic medicine, providing a unique solution for those who dream of strong, thick hair. Like a drop of water in the desert, this procedure brings freshness and renewal, nourishing your scalp with a cocktail of vitamins, minerals and other nutrients.
Seline Aesthetic Medicine Center in Dubai would like to invite you to start next chapter of your glowing up, resulting in each strand of your hair be full of healthy shine and vitality. Let us make your dream of thick hair, silky and glossy as a mirror-like surface of the Persian Gulf, come true.
Description of the service
Scalp Mesotherapy is a highly-efficient procedure, aimed at the deep hair reconstruction. The effect is secured by injection of a beneficial cocktail, rich in vitamins, minerals and amino acids, directly into the scalp. Microinjections nourishes hair follicles with important components, stimulating the growth and improving the hair health in general. Just imagine your hair, being filled with strength and energy as if it springs to life from a long sleep. You will fail to reach such an effect with general care products as they lack such a deep efficiency.
Advantages of Scalp Mesotherapy
Mesotherapy for hair has a number of advantages:
- Efficiency: Results are noticeable right after several procedures.
- Safety: The procedure is less invasive and has a low risk of any side effects.
- Quick recovery: You can return to normal life right after the procedure.
- Possibility to combine with other methods: mesotherapy for hair can be combined with other procedures to get even more impressive results.
Preparation for Scalp Mesotherapy
To make a good job ofScalp Mesotherapy, several points shall be taken into account. Our specialists recommend to:
- Keep from alcohol and smoking 24 hours before the procedure.
- Avoid heavy hair styling products.
- Consult your doctor on medicines taken.
Am I suitable for Scalp Mesotherapy?
Scalp Mesotherapy is the best option for:
- Patients of any age and gender, facing the problem of hair loss.
- Those who deal with hair thinning and breaking.
- Everyone who wants to improve hair texture, filling them with shine, health and beauty.
Despite a number of advantages, Scalp Mesotherapy has some contraindications:
- Pregnancy and lactation period.
- Scalp infections.
- Allergic reactions to components of mesotherapy solution.
Despite the fact that mesotherapy is considered to be safe, it is important to bear in mind potential risks:
- Allergic reactions to injections are highly improbable but still possible. Plasmotherapy is indicated for such patients.
- Minor redness and swelling may occur and resolve on their own within several hours.
- Sense of discomfort, such as itching, may occur, but resolves on its own, requiring no correction.
Post-treatment recovery
Upon Scalp Mesotherapy, the skin is balanced quickly and you do not need to adhere to heavy restrictions. Nevertheless, following simple recommendations will guarantee the best results:
- Do not wash your hair hours after the procedure.
- Do not style and thermally treat your hair within the next several days.
- Avoid physical activities within 48 hours after the session.
Stages of the procedure
At the first stage, our highly-qualified specialist will assess your hair and scalp health in detail.
Before the procedure, it is important to cleanse the scalp of any dirt and sebum. It will secure maximum efficiency of injections.
Selection of the product:
Depending on your individual requirements, a unique solution of vitamins and minerals will be prepared. We use proven and safe Premium segment medicines.
a solution is injected in the skin of the targeted problematic areas using a fine needle. The procedure is quick and almost painless.
After the procedure, you will be provided with recommendations on the hair and scalp care to build up the optimum result.
Price, AED
Happy to welcome you at Seline

Dear customer, We will be glad to offer you our services. To start cooperation, please write to us on WhatsApp and leave a request. We will contact you as soon as possible.
Questions And Answers
What is the difference between mesotherapy and other hair loss treatments?
What are the main components of mesotherapy solutions?
Is it possible to combine scalp mesotherapy with other hair reconstruction procedures?
How long will it take to have noticeable results since the start of the mesotherapy course?
Are the results of scalp mesotherapy long-term?